PASSIONATE Child of Yahuwah (The Most High), Believer of Yahuwshuah (our Saviour), Listening to the beautiful Ruach Hakodesh (holy spirit) 110%! On a marathon to know ALL the glory, righteousness & Words of Yahuwah (YHWH/HWHY)! The changes in me are a blessing and I am finally starting to truly live!

I have realized my purpose is not to teach people the longest way possible or the detour to get to their purpose but to teach them how to get to their purpose in the fastest most direct way possible.

I am a business owner/entrepreneur and WAHM that focuses on helping people succeed online no matter what niche or type of business they have and helps them get their priorities straight.

This blog you will get a glimpse of who I am. Since this is my personal blog you will find a variety of things that encompass who I am and what I do.

When we live in YaHuWaH’s will, put Him first, live in his purpose for us, then everything is just easier, more at peace and more prosperous. That’s what I have experienced and we should all get to experience the same!

Feel free to contact me anytime, I look forward to getting to know you!

‘Sometimes YaHuWaH answers our prayers in unexpected ways. Don’t dismiss your blessings because they did not come on your terms… Or you just might miss out on being blessed!’ ~ Jamie Pelaez

May Yahuwah bless you and keep you & yours!

Jamie Pelaez


‘I will bless the YaHuWaH at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth.’ ~TehaleYAim (Psalms) 34:1

‘Test all things and hold firmly that which is good.’ ~1  ThessalonikiAH (Thessalonians) 5:21