The Parable Of The Planter

MatithYAHUW (The Disciples of YAHUW, sn-Matthew) 13:18-23 18 Hear the parable of the planter.19 When anyone hears The Word of The Kingdom and does not comprehend it, the Evil One comes and snatches away that which has been sown in his heart. This is what was sown on the road ways.20 What was sown on the rocky places is he who hears…

No Air Freshener, Candle or Incense Can Beat Fresh Air

For the past several nights in Benson, NC it got down to a low enough temperature that I could FINALLY open up the windows and turn off the A/C while we slept. Both mornings I arose to a house that smelled absolutely DIVINE and refreshing! I rarely buy air fresheners as there are only a few I can find that are all natural and not toxic in an aisle of toxic substances that most people are gladly inhaling…