To All Who Have A Child In Heaven…
My friend is celebrating her son Michael’s 5th year in Heaven today. Soon I will be celebrating Ayden’s 6th. It is hard to believe it has been so long since I have held him for that brief time in my arms. There are days where it feels like it was just yesterday and other days where it feels like it was forever ago.
As I was writing to my friend Heather, the following song came on: Matthew West – Save A Place For Me.
I can’t sing this song or even hear it without crying, but it is good tears and well needed to let them flow out at times.
Whether you know this song or not, sit back and listen. It is like the anthem for those who have lost someone they love dearly.
I pray you will get to know our true Father and Saviour so you too can see your little angel again when it is the Father’s will for you to go.
Last year Heather asked me to make something special for Michael… I really wanted to, but found I couldn’t just yet. About a week ago I was cleaning out my inbox when I found her email with Michael’s pictures. I did not even notice the date, but thought I need to do something special for her soon and marked it to come back to.
Then today, on Facebook I seen Heather’s post about her Grandma sending her flowers for Michael’s 5th birthday. As I was writing to her and telling her how awesome it is that she has her Grandma’s support the song I mentioned above came on. That’s when it hit me, it was a sign that today I had to sit down no matter how many tears would flow and create something special for Heather, Michael and Ayden. Something I have not at the strength to do before. I spent all day tweaking and finding the right words and graphics. Now, I can finally let it go and say it is complete. It’s a great feeling!
So here it is, Heather! I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
I intended to work on my current project today, as I started the day off with TehaleYAim (Psalm) 91, worship, scripture research and connecting came over me… Then came tears, laughter, joy, peace and creativity. Today may not have went as I intended it to, but when you wait on Yahuwah you often find you are on His time clock not yours. Something I am honored to do when called to do so.

Skype: Jamie.Pelaez
‘I will bless the YaHuWaH at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth.’ ~TehaleYAim (Psalms) 34:1
‘Test all things and hold firmly that which is good.’ ~1 ThessalonikiAH (Thessalonians) 5:21
What a beautiful song, but yes very hard to listen to. I cannot believe that our angels are turning 5 this year. Heather & Darrell, you, Sylvia’s and my Sarah. It seems in a way just yesterday we were all sitting in the AMEND meetings. HUGS to you my friend!! Love, Regina
Regina, thank you so much for reading and commenting! How are you?
Yes I know, very sad indeed about so many angels turning 5. Ayden is actually turning 6. He was born in 10/06/05. If I would have seen the obscure warning signs he would be alive and would have been born on 10/04/05 or possible 10/05/05.
The Amend meeting is one of the few things I miss about Florida. I miss that safety net of people that “got it”.
Love & Hugs!
Ayden , God bless you , Ameen