Faithful Provider | Best Free Homeschool Resources 9/16/11
Note: Whether you are currently homeschooling or want to enrich your children outside of the school house, you can use the majority of the resources in this post.
I knew when I first had my children I would likely be homeschooling. I had a very strong desire when I was growing up to be homeschooled. However, my parents refused. I am not sure why, maybe they were afraid or felt inadequate to do so.
They shouldn’t have as a was great at self teaching myself. I never really got over them not allowing me to do so, I knew then and even now that my life and education would have been drastically better, if my parents would have allowed me to be homeschooled. So I knew, if I ever had children that I would homeschool them. It just seemed like the right thing to do, family & friends teaching and training up children vs. leaving it in the hand of strangers.
The problem is there has been an increasing passing the buck off on schools & teachers to train up the kids vs. the family training up and instilling values. This is not every household that sends their kids off to school, but it is a large amount. They wonder why their kids have no morals, why they misbehave, are rebellious, etc. Some even go as far as blaming the schools, but in the end they can only truly blame themselves.
As I went through school and as I went through my 20’s, I seen even more reasons why homeschooling is best. Not only can you assure your children are learning the truth and the whole truth (most of our history classes are watered down beyond belief and tell lies, no worries about your child being taught we evolved from apes, no more being exposed to pagan holiday activities in the classroom, etc.), you can tailor learning plans to that child’s strengths & learning style. Bonds grow closer, there is more respect and despite myths… When done right homeschoolers are usually more social and can hold conversations with people of all ages better than those children who went through the school systems.
Even if you are worried that you cannot do it alone, there are free homeschooling courses that are teacher led vs. parent led. The parent is still involved, however the child gets to meet with the teacher via the computer. Most ones are a one-on-one coaching, which allows you as the parent to work with the teacher on deeming what is appropriate materials and preferences, etc. And if you need a good laugh and even more reasons why homeschooling is amazing… I found this at the blog Five J’s:

Even if you are not able to homeschool full time, find time to spend teaching your child even if it is only several times a week. It will make a huge impact on your child’s life.
So being on a budget and seeing the plethora of options out there and wanting to be able to provide great content for Jaya regardless, I have been on the hunt for great affordable and even free resources for those looking to homeshool, are already homeschooling and for those that would like to supplement their child’s learning from school to home.
Free Homeschool Resources Available This Week
- Scholastic – They are having dollar days until Sept. 20th. These items run anyway from $8-$15. Not only that but with this code you can get $10.00 off your order: 10THANKS. These are ebooks, so no shipping and handling required. I got 10 ebooks for Jaya for free. Check out what we got below.
- Stossel In The Classroom – Three DVD’s are available for free and with free shipping. These are on economics and from the topics are hitting hard to the core matters. There are also free teachers guides to go along with the DVD’s listen under the tab ‘Teacher Guides’
Ongoing Free Homeschool Resources
- Homeschool for Free – A list of free resources for homeschool planning, math, language arts, art, science, bible, social studies, geography, life skills, health and music.
- Gradebook+ – Gradebook+ is a free gradebook and record-keeping spreadsheet template for homeschool. There is an Excel and Open Office version available.
- Answers In Genesis – While there is paid curriculm there are plenty of articles and videos to train your child up on creation and much more.
- Free Printables & Downloads – An extensive list of printables and downloads on various subjects.
- Acrylic Painting Sectrets – Free ebook and videos by Artist Bob Davie to teach step-by-step how to paint and create art with acrylic paint.
- Watercolour Painting Sectrets – Free ebook and videos by Artist Bob Davie to teach step-by-step how to paint with watercolours.
- The Old Schoolhouse – Free online magazine and monthly free homeschooling materials.
- Wordsmyth – An online dictionary and thesaurus for educators and kids. You can make quizzes, puzzles and more.
- Worksheet Generator – Worksheet Works allows you to create worksheets on various subjects quickly and efficiently.
- Teacher Tools & Templates – Organizers, assessments, award certificates, bookmarks and a plethora of other templates.
- Ambleside Online – A free homeschool curriculum designed to be as close as possible to the curriculum that Charlotte Mason used in her own private and correspondence schools.
- Adventure of the American Mind – Funded through a grant from the Library of Congress, the AAM Home School Program provides students and educators with a series of online lessons which link to the millions of primary resources on the Library of Congress website.
- An Old-Fashioned Education – A directory of free homeschool curricula, literature and text books organized for the use of homeschooling families.
- Academic Skills Builder – Online educational video games that offer a powerful approach to learning basic math, language arts, vocabulary, and thinking skills.
- CurrClick – Tons of affordable and free ebooks and printables on every subject imaginable. Signup for their newsletter and check back often as many times new items will be available for free for a limited time.
- Sheppard Software – Hundreds of educational games, activities, quizzes and more for learning fun. (There is a halloween item in the Autumn section, however have not seen any other pagan holidays on the many other activities available.)
- Scripture Math – This pdf goes into detail about teaching mathematics from a scripture perspective.
- FreeReading – Offers lesson plans and activities for K-6 on books you can find easily at a public library. (You can use these as an example for making your own reading plans and activities around books of your choice too.)
- K12 Free Homeschool – Courses and signup are free since these are considered public schools (accredited).
- Free World U – A free online K-12 accredited school.
- Connections Academy – Free and private schools online (accredited).
- Homeschool Legal Advantage – With our civil, spiritual, constitutional and homeschooling right being stripped from us with what seems like almost daily, it is good to have a group of people on your side fighting for your right to homeschool your children. Get you first year of membership free that includes many advantages beyond legal advice, by entering in the coupon code GIFT at checkout.
One resource that is not free, but will help you save a lot of money on homeschool goodies you may want to purchase is the Homeschool Buyers Co-op. They offer amazing savings because of the group buy discounts. Make sure to signup to get on their mailing list so you can be alerted of new sales available, etc. Click here to join Homeschool Buyers Co-op.
I hope this list proves that you can indeed homeshool effectively and for free. This is just a small portion of the available resources and I did my best to provide you & your family with only the best. As I discover more gems, I will be sure to share them with you. We take these materials and find ways to relate them back to the Scriptures. He has literally given us an instruction manual for life and every topic imaginable is in it. Include YaHuWaH in everything you do and will have a winning recipe for truly living.
As a believer of YaHuWaH, it can be especially challenging to find curricullum that has not been tainted by pagan beliefs. Just remember any material you get, you can adjust and make it your own according to your families beliefs. Once we are moved and the homeschooling with Jaya because full-time, I will be creating material on all subjects that glorify Him. When I do I will be sure to share. Yahuwah has but it on my heart to homeschool and create materials for a void that seriously needs to be filled. More on that as He unfolds it all to me.
I hope you have found these resources useful, please comment below and let me know what you enjoyed, ask any questions, etc. Your feedback is a blessing!
May YaHuWaH bless you & keep you!
Skype: Jamie.Pelaez
‘I will bless the YaHuWaH at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth.’ ~TehaleYAim (Psalms) 34:1
‘Test all things and hold firmly that which is good.’ ~1 ThessalonikiAH (Thessalonians) 5:21
You actually have a point here. Traditional schools can get your kids influenced by others. They might misbehave or rebel but i guess it really depends on how parents up bring there child. It’s how they discipline them and how they bond. I guess homeschooling is best for families who always travel.
Everything our children come in contact with can influence them (same with us adults). So it goes much deeper than that. Even the best of home can have children that go astray whether homeschooled or not. It’s called free will. However, if we diligently not only teach and study the scripture but also live out what we study and teach as a family and individuals our family and children will have a much better chance of not being around negative influences and when we do encounter them not allowing them to bring us off the straight and narrow path that leads to life. Homeschool is also good for families that like to travel, have flexibility, have control over what type of info their child is exposed to (that means our family can teach according to the scriptures in all subjects). I can also tailor lessons not only to the scriptures but each child’s learning style and passions, instead of one-size fits all learning.
Wow Jamie, I just seen this. Both my girls are in public school I am not happy with some of the stuff the school system is teaching them. I am also not happy that they demand my kids to get the flu shot..
Home schooling is looking better and better everyday. Thanks for sharing this valuable resource..
There are so many options our there my friend it is insane! It is also insane how much they are trying to take our freedoms away. The flue shot not only helps you get the flu, but also can have other harmful effects. Whatever you do, do not allow your children to get the H1N1 flu vaccine.
There are even states one that comes to mind is Texas where they forced children to get the Gardasil vaccine. I believe it was just for those in school, though I could be wrong. There were parents being threatened to be locked up for refusing to allow it to happen to their children. And rightfully so! There have been deaths and people paralyzed and many other complications of this vaccine, it should be outlawed not forced on boys & girls.
There are other states that have allowed schools to be able to convince kids to get this vaccine without their parents consent. Praying on the young. I know you read your scriptures and I know you know that is the last thing any one with a right mind should be wanting to do.
Some of the resources I provided like the K12 have teacher led homeschooling, meaning you have a teacher doing the teaching. You also get to specify if a particular subject is not appropriate for your child and input alternatives. 🙂