Green Smoothie Recipe Gone Pink?!

Okay, so I must admit the name Green Smoothie leaves you expecting… Well, a green smoothie! However, often that just does not happen at my house. Especially when little girls like Jaya want mami to add some berries to the mix, lol!

Green Smoothie With Berries

Here was our recipe before berries, which is just as good (I actually prefer it this way):

Servings: 2-4 (depending on who is having some of course!)


  • 3 cups of cold water
  • 2 medium to large kale leaves
  • 1 1/2 cups of pineapple (fresh or frozen)
  • 1 banana (fresh or frozen is best)
  • 1 1/2 cups mango (fresh or frozen is best)
  • 1 peach
  • 3 key limes
  • 1/2 inch piece of ginger root
  • 1 tbls. raw local honey


Get out your blender. Chop fruit into chunks (except key limes), if not already cut. Take the kale leaves and remove stems, then discard stems and cut or tare leaves into smaller pieces. Pour water into blender jar, then add chunks of fruit and kale. Juice the key limes and add to the blender jar. Add ginger and honey last, then blend until smooth. Pour your loved ones and yourself a glass, drink and enjoy a boost of energy & good health!

Substitution Suggestions:

  • Lemon instead of lime juice.
  • Add the juice of one orange.
  • Apple instead of peach.
  • Coconut water instead of water.
  • Add ice for a thicker smoothie.
  • Add an extra frozen banana.
  • Spinach instead of kale.
  • Add parsley.
  • * Use your imagination!

Jaya’s additions:

  • 1/3 cup of raspberries
  • 1/3 cup of blackberries

Other Notes:

Frozen bananas and mango will help give your smoothie a more creamy consistency. If you want it creamier, then just add more of each (I usually use two frozen bananas). If you don’t have local raw honey (looks almost like a creamy butter in color and consistency), then get as close to raw and/or local as possible. You can find local raw honey in your area by searching on Local Harvest or The Honey Locator. Local honey will help you with local allergies and maybe some others too! Raw honey is superior because it leaves all the great enzymes, vitamins and minerals. Raw + local = a powerhouse of honey. If you do not have a Vita-Mix or other high powered blender like the Ninja Blender 1100 (I’m so getting this after we move, let me know if you have tried it), your smoothies will have little tiny bits of green and not be 100% smooth. My blender is just a cheap $16 one right now and it does this; Jaya nor I mind the little pieces.

My thoughts on green smoothies…

It has been months, I am thinking at least 4 since I have made a green smoothie. I am not sure why I stopped and feel quite foolish for stopping. Stress and depression from my current living situation often time leads to me forgetting about taking extra good care of myself. I love the energy and taste of the smoothies and I am going back on the one green smoothie a day train! When you take care of yourself spiritually, mentally and physically it makes it harder for the not-so-great stuff in life to bother you. Every time I get depressed, I can guarantee something is off in my life in one or more of those three areas.

While I agree we should try to eat vs. drink our calories. I think one good smoothie such as the one above will help us to have more energy and have better health altogether. I also like fruit smoothies made with coconut water or half water with coconut milk or fresh almond milk. Also a good natural protein shake has great health benefits. Any of the above can help you eat better throughout the day, have less cravings, have more energy and get more nutrition no matter how busy your schedule is. 

Just remember, whatever you eat… Eat fresh, organic and as much local as possible. I also suggest if you eat meat, that it should also be the previous plus be cage free, in its natural environment, eating its natural food source and should be a clean meat according to Scripture. That is a whole other blog post, but I will leave off by saying that every thing Yahuwah (YHWH/HWHY) asks us to not consume or do is for a very good reason. Test/Prove all things and you will see exactly what I mean!

Have an amazing day as this is another day Yahuwah has blessed you with, so enjoy it!

Here are some pictures of Jaya and I enjoying our smoothies…

May Yahuwah bless you and keep you & yours!


Jamie Pelaez


‘I will bless the YaHuWaH at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth.’ ~TehaleYAim (Psalms) 34:1

‘Test all things and hold firmly that which is good.’ ~1  ThessalonikiAH (Thessalonians) 5:21



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